Thursday, February 23, 2006

Report 1.02. Victim 1

Hello father, another post for the all the assholes out there that may stumble across my wonderful Blog.

I did some research and I have killed my first victim. I patiently sat back and waited as news of this filtered through the police airwaves and communication networks. I left them some clues – not that I’m trying to make it easy for them because they will never catch me and more to the point, they aint smart enough. The homicide department, which I have bugged, are haplessly trying to piece everything together. Here’s what they know.

“George Davis worked at SaveOn AutoGlass just off Mission Street at 40 Otis Street San Francisco, California 94104. Witness’s say that a large overweight man in a monk robe shot the man as he lay on the ground and sped off in a car towards Golden Gate.

This car was described as a 1996-98 Acura Integra, two-door, dark, with the front end closer to the ground, with damage to the front windshield. It transpires that the man was already dead as his eyes, ears and mouth had had molten lead poured into them, which was the excruciating cause of death. Why this man was then place on the street and shot is not apparent.

Left at the scene of the crime were 3 small wooden carvings of the three wise monkeys, hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil. Police say they are baffled”

Until the next time

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Report 1.01. Spotted

Hello Father, another post for all the imbeciles out there that may stop by my Blog.

It seems that the authorities spotted me last night, just outside of the docks on a beach. I’ve been monitoring all the authorities activity since my arrival. I intercepted a report to and from the police about my sighting. This is funny, as they can’t make sense of what they saw. Here’s a word for word transcript of their conversation.

Pier 47 Security Guard

“We stumbled upon a 500lb man in a full length brown hooded Monk’s Robe at 2200 hours during a routine patrol of Pier 47’s perimeter fences. He had just alighted from a small shiny boat. We thought this was suspicious so we approached the big fellow. I called out to him and all of a sudden he started to run, we gave chase and the strangest thing happened. He accelerated away from us like a 100 metre athlete and disappeared into the darkness, remember this was a 500lb man. We ran as far as we could but it was a waste of time, I ended up with a stitch and Joe vomited everywhere. He was heading towards The Golden Gate National Recreation Area. We went back to his boat to see if we could gather any clues or evidence, but the boat had disappeared into thin air, oars and all. All that was left was a patch of milky colored water splashing onto the shore as the waves came in.

We’re all pretty spooked out down here at the Pier 47 and thought that this should be reported to the proper authorities”

SFPD Police Officer Givens

“Have you been drinking?”

Pier 47 Security Guard

“Yes, but not at the time, because of what we saw, both of us have been drinking since. I swear this is what we saw”

SFPD Police Officer Givens

“Look, I will send down a couple officers to take statements, we’ll keep a look out for this guy and make sure there is something put on file.”

Well, well what do you make of that. I love this shit. Anyways while I was on the ship I was preparing my temporary accommodation. I did a check on all of the homes around Pier 47 and managed to find out that there is an empty house over in the Fort Mason area. I checked flights and overseas hotels to narrow this down. I also phoned the house morning, noon and night and there was never an answer. It’s amazing what info you can find out when you can access any database you want in the world.

I’ve just finished programming my robotic insect Bug, those so called experts out there that are supposedly leading the field just don’t have a clue. The answer is in the fuel and engine guys, if your still using your fingers and any kind of physical cable then you may as well give up now. Plenty to do.

Until the next time

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Report 1.00. Stowaway

Hello Father, I thought I’d send you a post for all the clowns out there that may stumble upon my Blog.

First of all I stowed away on a U.S. bound Compania Chilenda de Navegacion Interoceanica S. A. cargo ship, I’m sitting in its hold with my laptop as I write this email to you. I’ll need to sneak up on to the deck to send it. I’m somewhere in the Pacific Ocean at the moment roughly about 45° 20' N 220° 55' W. Not long to go now.

I’m programming a stealth worm virus to hack into some, well all U.S. Government databases and more importantly for monitoring the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to ensure I land on U.S. soil undetected. I will also need access to their information and other departments like The Police to execute my purpose.

I will keep you posted when I arrive and I will make sure I humiliate as many U.S. government officials/police as possible by posting their information on me, their mistakes and their inadequacies. One thing I can guarantee all of you out there is that at some point I will turn myself in and the Police will let me go again. I will do this because I can and as I have previously stated to humiliate government officials/police. Suckers

Oh well until the next time

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

And so it begins

Having studied Genetics for the last fifty years and considering that I hate this world so much, I’ve been busy, oh boy have I been busy. Busy doing what? I hear you ask. Well I’ve created a solution and he has now ventured out into the big bad world. Not that I had any say in the matter, but I have kept him a secret all these years. I have educated and guided him as much as I could, but astonishingly he left me behind when he was only four years old and he did perform WAY beyond my wildest expectations

He understood his purpose immediately and honed all the skills required to fulfil what I programmed him to do. I am old and weary now and have no control over him whatsoever. In fact it was him who ordered me to create this Blog on his behalf. He asked me to announce his arrival to the world. He said that over the coming year he will send me information to post on this site, he would give me details of his exploits and leave some clues for all those simpletons in cyberspace – his words not mine.

I will post this information as and when he sends it. So to finish this post off here are his first words to you.

“Fools of the World. The links are links”

Mmm, right I see what he’s trying to do.
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