Wednesday, February 01, 2006

And so it begins

Having studied Genetics for the last fifty years and considering that I hate this world so much, I’ve been busy, oh boy have I been busy. Busy doing what? I hear you ask. Well I’ve created a solution and he has now ventured out into the big bad world. Not that I had any say in the matter, but I have kept him a secret all these years. I have educated and guided him as much as I could, but astonishingly he left me behind when he was only four years old and he did perform WAY beyond my wildest expectations

He understood his purpose immediately and honed all the skills required to fulfil what I programmed him to do. I am old and weary now and have no control over him whatsoever. In fact it was him who ordered me to create this Blog on his behalf. He asked me to announce his arrival to the world. He said that over the coming year he will send me information to post on this site, he would give me details of his exploits and leave some clues for all those simpletons in cyberspace – his words not mine.

I will post this information as and when he sends it. So to finish this post off here are his first words to you.

“Fools of the World. The links are links”

Mmm, right I see what he’s trying to do.


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