Monday, October 09, 2006

Report 2.02. Victims 5 & 6

Hello Father, I did it, I got on the news and in the newspapers here In little old Anchorage. Put that in your pipe and smoke it doubting Blogists

There was a story on ‘KTVA 11 News at 10’ and on the front page of the ‘Anchorage Daily News’ newspaper, check out my scan below.

Anyway on to business. Bugged police info

“The Three Monkeys serial killer has struck again. Two victims have been found in two separate houses on Birchwood Street either side of number 120.

The first victim at number 119 Birchwood was found in the middle of their living room in a pool of blood. They had super glue poured into their ears, their eyes were also super glued and their lips too. They also had their throat slit, it was found at the autopsy that the cause of death was asphyxiation and that they were already dead when their throat was slit. Left at the scene were three more carvings of the three wise monkeys.

The second victim at 121 was found in their living room too, but they had been shot through both eyes, in their mouth and through one ear and out of the other. They also had their throat cut, which was done after the shooting. Another three carvings were found and a blood stained note.

All of the local residents were interviewed; an old lady said that she had seen an obese man in a monks robe running from the area at around 1:30 am. All of the witnesses reported that they heard one gunshot around about the same time.

All of the witnesses were adamant that there was only ONE gunshot, which has thrown confusion onto the case as victim two had four gunshot wounds. Everyone in the department has been left bewildered by these murders and the motive behind them is impossible to fathom. All we know is that the cause of death and three carvings are linked, with all four of these recent murders.

The media has been informed and the FBI have been informed with a delegation coming to Anchorage on Wednesday. Hopefully they will be able to assist us in tracking this psychopath down”

There you have it. Me? A psychopath. How dare they, it’s the world that’s full of psychopaths. I’m the good guy. Jeeze. Pin in the map time

Until next time.


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