Saturday, February 04, 2006

Report 1.00. Stowaway

Hello Father, I thought I’d send you a post for all the clowns out there that may stumble upon my Blog.

First of all I stowed away on a U.S. bound Compania Chilenda de Navegacion Interoceanica S. A. cargo ship, I’m sitting in its hold with my laptop as I write this email to you. I’ll need to sneak up on to the deck to send it. I’m somewhere in the Pacific Ocean at the moment roughly about 45° 20' N 220° 55' W. Not long to go now.

I’m programming a stealth worm virus to hack into some, well all U.S. Government databases and more importantly for monitoring the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to ensure I land on U.S. soil undetected. I will also need access to their information and other departments like The Police to execute my purpose.

I will keep you posted when I arrive and I will make sure I humiliate as many U.S. government officials/police as possible by posting their information on me, their mistakes and their inadequacies. One thing I can guarantee all of you out there is that at some point I will turn myself in and the Police will let me go again. I will do this because I can and as I have previously stated to humiliate government officials/police. Suckers

Oh well until the next time


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