Thursday, October 19, 2006

Report 3.00. Sitting Pretty

Hello Father, (no more insults, yet)

My container is sitting pretty and I can work from here with ease. It is pretty obvious by now that I’m sending you reports that are delayed. But I have completed a couple of jobs already and will post the info soon, probably just before my pin and map game.

Lets just say because of this new locations political history and fake current one. There is a lot of work here. I won’t be able to complete my work here on my first visit. I’m beginning to wonder if 500 years is going to be enough time to complete this mission. That said, I’m going to give I a good go. I may have to up my output, which in turn could jeopardise the plan long-term. But hey it’s me father, these people just cannot comprehend the level I think at, only you know what greatness I am capable of.

Until next time.


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