Friday, October 13, 2006

I am Sailing

Hello Father, hopefully I will have the attention of the reader now and won’t need to insult them anymore.

Just a quick update, my new location is set and I’m on my way right now. I’m in the middle of the Pacific Ocean as I email you this post. Bayley Worldwide Removals is just one of the companies I will use. I’ve managed to purchase the cargo container we spoke about prior to my leaving. I’ve made all of the adaptations and all I can say it’s perfect, this will make it so much more difficult for these so called police that have the audacity to proclaim they are lawmen protecting the good citizens of the world. Aye great career, position of power and great pension more like.

Once I reach my destination I will publish all the usual stuff, it will probably take about a year for the world to sit up and take notice. Once the world figures out what I’m up to then your dream will slowly become a reality and I swear I will continue unabated and your message will be delivered. That’s assuming that all the great minds on this rock can figure it out in the first place. Once I feel that there is a worthy adversary, I will hand myself in to them, explain your dream and then make them let me go.

I know you are against this, but father you made me into what I am and should know I can pull this stunt off with ease. I can calculate the outcome of any scenario, I can look into anyone’s soul, I can read their minds using all the skills you gave me, so don’t worry everything is in order even though to everyone else it’s chaos.

Until next time my old d'Artagnan


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