Friday, September 29, 2006

Report 2.00. Hideaway

Hello Father, I thought I’d send you a post for the all those arseholes with a modem plugged in and like looking a pretty little Blogs.

Speaking of arseholes (a great Scottish word I learnt from my father) my new temporary home has many of these, especially the ones who work for the government. These have got to be the most incompetent bunch I have ever seen, this one will be easy and should leave a huge statement as I feel I can accomplish quite a bit on my first visit here without detection. I have already dealt with two victims already.

I’ll post you next week when I collate the rest of my data, plan my actions and implement them to perfection.

I've included a scan of a new wee note that I will leave for the Keystone cops when I have completed my good work.

Until next time.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Time to Move

And finally this should have been posted

SUNDAY, March 5, 2006

Hello father, another post for the dregs of society to drool over.

Well that’s my work finished here for now. I’ve just stuck a pin in my world map and my new destination is set

But events have stalled my progress. I’m sorry father for compromising your position. I promise this will never happen again. Once you and I are in position, we will let the dust settle and begin again.

See you in ??????? I’ll pick you up at the airport. Nice try FBI goons, better luck next time.

Report 1.04. Victim 2

This should have been posted on :

SATURDAY, March 4, 2006

Hello father, another post for the bunch of baboons that could swing by my mighty Blog.

Well I thought it was time to start messing with the boys over at homicides puny minds. Messing with their minds was not deliberate choice; it will just be the outcome of a twenty-one year master plan – well it’s a lot more than that if you count Fathers’ work. This is what they are trying to figure out.

“Peter Francesca also worked at SaveOn AutoGlass just off Mission Street at 40 Otis Street San Francisco, California 94104. Witness’s say that a large overweight man in a monk robe shot the man as he lay on the ground and sped off in a car towards Golden Gate.

This car was described as a 1996-98 Acura Integra, two-door, dark, with the front end closer to the ground, with damage to the front windshield exactly the same as the previous murder. There was a difference, this man was also already dead but his eyes had been stuffed into his mouth, an ear stuffed in each eye socket and and his split tongue suffed into where the ears used to be, which was the excruciating cause of death and was done while he was alive. Why this man was then placed on the street and shot is still not apparent.
Left at the scene of the crime were another 3 small wooden carvings of the three wise monkeys, hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil. Police say they are baffled still. A piece of paper was left at the scene of the crime was also found”

Well my wee bloodied note should put the cat amongst the pigeons.

Until the next time

Report 1.03. Media Blackout

This should have been posted on :


Hello father, another post for the all those chumps that will accidentally click a link that will lead them to the worlds’ greatest Blog.

You are never going to believe this! After my perceived gruesome murder of the not so innocent George Davis the authorities have decided to keep quiet about my good work. Nothing on the television, radio, newspapers or Internet. Who do they think they are? They were incompetent in the past and I don’t really see them smartening up any time soon.

I don’t care because my next trick is going to baffle and confound them, you see if you can’t see the motive. Ah stupid arrogant people, I love them.

Until the next time

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Update Report

I narrowly escaped being caught by the FBI at my home in South-East Asia on the 1st of March 2006. You see my son didn’t take my vulnerability into his equation. So I had to flee and lie low for six months. I never got to post his latest Blog entries at that time. Now that my position and safety have been secured he has ordered me to post the missing Blog entries and then continue with his divine plan (as he now calls it) nothing will stop him and his determination to complete his job has been reinforced by his annoyance at not including my safety in his equation. I was always a stickler for perfection and he is angry at his mistake. He is much worse that he was before. I will post the missing posts later in the week and he will start again and send me his latest posts.

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